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Home Improvements for Energy Conservation & Savings in Portland, OR

Energy-efficient homes do not necessarily have to be new builds. As a leading energy conservation contractor, Westside Drywall & Insulation is here to introduce modernized efficiency to your home, regardless of age, size, or type. Partner with our team in Portland, OR, to embrace maximized comfort and sustainable cost-savings for new and existing homes.

Old & New Home Energy Conservation

Energy Conservation Without Compromise

Energy-efficient homes are on the rise. However, not everyone is ready to sell their property and relocate. When a new build is not the right choice, Westside Drywall & Insulation offers an effective alternative with energy conservation upgrades. Tailored to your home’s distinct vulnerabilities, these structural modifications are designed to minimize energy consumption and maximize value.

What Is Energy Conservation?

Turning off your heat during the cold months and struggling without AC during the summer is not feasible. However, straining your HVAC because air is escaping is also not practical. That’s where energy conservation comes in. These techniques reinforce the efficiency of your home’s structural configuration to reduce unnecessary energy consumption, utility costs, and environmental harm.

Understanding Energy Conservation Upgrades for Existing Homes

At Westside Drywall & Insulation, we unlock effective energy conservation solutions for every home we take on. For older properties, these improvements typically involve energy-efficient floor, ceiling, attic, and wall insulation upgrades. The focus is to reduce energy consumption to lower the cost of heating, cooling, and electrical systems without infringing on comfort, performance, or practicality.

Energy Enhancements for Older Properties

Even properties built 15 years ago fall short in terms of energy efficiency. In fact, energy conservation is a relatively recent construction concept. It is common to see older homes with outdated building materials, leading to inadequate heating and cooling system performance and costly utility bills.

Addressing Common Energy Vulnerabilities

Properties built prior to the implementation of modern-day energy codes are subject to numerous energy vulnerabilities. Some of the frequently seen issues we correct with our energy conservation upgrades include:

  • Minimal/insufficient insulation in walls, floors, attics, ceilings, and around pipes
  • Gaps and cracks that facilitate drafts and air leaks
  • Outdated, single-pane windows
  • Unsealed doors and/or windows

Energy Audit: Tailored Energy Conservation Services

Westside Drywall & Insulation has the knowledge and experience needed for creating energy-efficient homes. Beyond our new-build services, we specialize in energy conservation upgrades for older properties. With our in-depth diagnostic assessment and energy audit, we develop tailored modifications that may include air leak detection, energy-efficient home insulation installation, and more.

Advantages of Investing In Energy Conservation Services

Our energy conservation services are an investment in the comfort, performance, and value of your home. The advantages of energy efficiency improvements include:

  • Reduced energy consumption and utility bills
  • Eliminated air leaks/drafts
  • Year-round comfort and improved indoor air quality
  • Prolonged HVAC system lifespan
  • Increased property value
  • Minimized environmental footprint
  • Eligibility for green incentives

Full-Service Approach to Creating Energy-Efficient Homes

We employ a full-service approach to creating energy-efficient homes. We handle the inspection, design, and installation of all energy conservation projects to guarantee compliance with local building codes and energy efficiency programs. Leveraging advanced expertise, we work diligently to ensure our energy conservation upgrades satisfy both LEED and/or Energy Star certification requirements.

Secure Energy Incentives Without Obstacles

Navigating green building incentives can be challenging. That’s why Westside Drywall & Insulation extends our knowledge to satisfy every part of the energy conservation process. As certified third-party verifiers for the Energy Trust of Oregon, we conduct thorough testing, documentation, and consulting procedures to help you secure your cash incentive funding without obstacles or delay.

Get Started With Energy Conservation Upgrades

Tap into the benefits of energy conservation for new and existing homes with Westside Drywall & Insulation. From sealing minor gaps to complete insulation replacements and new installations, trust in our expertise to bring sustainable comfort, value, and cost savings to your home. To schedule a consultation, contact our green building experts today.

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